Product Suite

When it all started

Hiree365 is co-created by the customers of Classe365. The product is the output of 3000+ customers feedback and insight, constantly finding ourselves in deep conversations with customers discussing challenges with student employability.

We thought, what if we help our customers to connect their students with the right jobs, and also provide a platform to engage with employers in the form of campus placements which can be managed 24/7 365 days a year, not just a specific time in a year.

With this in mind, to bridge the gap for universities and colleges to help students secure the right job for the learnings they have attained, Hiree365 was created.

With Hire365 you get :

Create modern job ads

Invite companies to view talent pool

Get access to registered employers on our platform and invite them to view your candidates
For potential employers who are interested in university placements but not registered on the platform, invite using a link in 2 easy steps
Allow employers to peruse the candidates and their skills with details of academic performances and option to share recommendations of candidates by the university

Manage end to end student campus placements

Nandan Keerthi
Jateen Patel
Technology Lead
Patricia Esmaquel
Product Success Lead
Urvi Dharmshi
Growth Marketing Lead
Aritra Sen
UI/UX Lead
Jeff Saxton
APAC Sales
Ravi Chandra
Customer Success Lead